25 Mar waterPOD selected as San Francisco Article 12C Pre-Approved Vendor
waterPOD is excited to announce that it has been listed as a pre-approved vendor of on-site greywater and blackwater reuse systems for the City of San Francisco, in conjunction with the San Francisco Department of Public Health and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
Under Article 12C, all new buildings in San Francisco with total gross floor areas greater than 250,000 square feet are required to meet all toilet and urinal flushing as well as irrigation demands through the collection and reuse of available rainwater, greywater, and foundation drainage. waterPOD systems meet all applicable standards and regulations and provide San Francisco building developers, owners, architects, and MEPs with a viable solution to meeting Article 12C requirements.
For buildings in San Francisco under 250,000 square feet of total gross floor area, waterPOD will work with building developers and owners to apply for grants in order to deploy greywater or blackwater treatment systems to meet onsite non-potable demand.
waterPOD is excited to work with a leading municipality such as San Francisco and the individuals and familes that call this city home.